Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Pockets

  • Graham Crackers

I didn't get to eat all my breakfast so i brought this pack of generic graham crackers.

  • Juice Box

This Juice box came with the Crackers & the crackers only taste near edible with a sip of this fruit punch flavored juice from concentrate.

  • My Samsung A90 Cell Phone

i received this as a gift from my parents for a graduation present from Middle school. I thought that that was a little silly but hey i got a cell phone out of it.I carry this as a link to the outside world during the 7 hours of imprisonment and torture

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I think that the black community comes to respect Atticus so much more than anyone else in Maycomb County. The Black Community begins to act very respectful towards Atticus even in Defeat. It has always been a sign of respect to stand when someone enters or exits a room so therefore When Reverend Sykes says " Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your fathers passin'." And the entire black section in the courtroom stands that tells me that they must really respect the Venerable Atticus Finch.///Bryce:Community is spelled wrong. Respectful is spelled wrong. You need proper punctuation. Other then that, I think it looks good, and you really get your point across./// Martin:I don’t know what paragraph you are looking at. He He Tacos rule.///AllisonYour punctuation and grammar needs a little work but you still did good. ///NikolaiYou need a period between therefore and when. If you read the paragraph backwards it doesn’t flow.:-0

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I think that the black comunity comes to respect Atticus so much more than anyone else in Maycomb County. The Black Comunity begins to act very respcetful towards Atticus even in Defeat. It has always been a sign of respect to stand when someone enters or exits a room so therefore When reverend sykes says " Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your fathers passin'." And the entire black section in the courtroom stands that tells me that they must really respect the Venerable Atticus Finch.